




 工房たけ徳島 楽天市場店 


着物生地を家具や衣装、カジュアルドレス、小物に組み込んで蘇らせる “思い出ビジネス”について知っていますか?

関連記事はこちら >>>

Do you know about "Memory Business" that incorporates old kimonos into new pieces of furniture, costumes, casual dresses and small items? If you wish to embrace your beloved ones' memories, read this story.

Related articles is here>>>


-工房たけ-は、古い着物を使って家具や小物、衣装を作り販売する「思い出ビジネス」を徳島県で営んでいます。思い出の着物を家具やマット、木箱の一部に組み込んでいます。▲ ベーシック(ひのき)




★納期は それぞれ約30日。


Koubou TAKE is operating “Memory Business” by incorporating old kimonos into pieces of furniture, costumes, casual dresses and small items in Tokushima Prefecture. With her products, parts of an antique kimono with a lot of memories of your grandmas can appear in furniture that you use every day. Grandma passed away and her kimonos are being kept at the bottom of a closet. What should you do? Keep them forever without using them?  To respond to the question, Koubou TAKE started this business in 2017 to turn sweet memories into things to keep around you.

Related articles is here>>>

▲ 鏡面雅(きょうめんみやび)▲ 着物リメイク衣装


※ 箪笥の形状は、「両開き」type A、「抽斗」type B、「引き違い」type Cがあります。

※ 単品でのご購入、組み合わせもご自由にどうぞご相談ください。

※ サイズ=W :800 D :420 H :450

(上記は見本商品の参考サイズであり 実際のお部屋の間口や奥行に合わせて フルオーダーできます)



「両開き」type A  「抽斗」type B  「引き違い」type C








Tokushima Prefecture “Sugi”

A cryptomeria is the coniferous tree material used most in Japan. The etymology of "cryptomeria" is called "straightness", and a big tree in a shrine has dignity as a sacred tree. The Tokushima cryptomeria is excellent. An ogle is beautiful, warm and soft, the durability. That the fragrance and the feel give pleasure to a person. It's clear by a study.








 (本藍染矢野工場にて)それぞれの甕には同じ天然原料が入っていますが、発酵期間が異なるため、色合いはそれぞれ微妙に違います。毎日、染料をかき 混ぜ、藍の「華」を作ります。「華」とは、液体の上部に浮かぶ泡状の色素の固まり。「華」によって、その日の染料の調子を見ます。葉から作られる染料を使うため、藍染は草木染の一種です。原料のすくもを発酵させ、天然藍の色を出す。染料作りは発酵のプロセスであり、それは自然との協働と言えます。

関連記事はこちら >>>「なぜ本藍染は魅力的なのか」


Japan blue = AIZOME(Sukumo)

When I entered Yano’s factory, I saw 16 dye pots being built in a stage-like space. Each pot has a different color of dye, although the ingredients are all the same. The color difference derives from the period of fermentation. The raw ingredients are fermented and this turns them into dye. Mr.Yano churns the dye every day, which produces a “flower” of floating pigmented froth in the center of the dye pot. Craftsmen can tell the condition of the dye by checking this “flower”. As the ingredient, Sukumo, is made of leaves, aizome is a kind of plant dyeing, and thus it is nothing but harmony with nature.

Related articles is here>>>


 (本藍染作家 矢野藍秀 作)




















Copyright ©︎ 2017 OG JAPAN. All Rights Reserved.






 工房たけ徳島 楽天市場店 

着物生地を家具や衣装、カジュアルドレス、小物に組み込んで蘇らせる “思い出ビジネス”について知っていますか?

関連記事はこちら >>>

Do you know about "Memory Business" that incorporates old kimonos into new pieces of furniture, costumes, casual dresses and small items? If you wish to embrace your beloved ones' memories, read this story.

Related articles is here>>>



▲ ベーシック(ひのき)



そういった悩みに応えるため、着なくなった着物や帯を思い出としていつも使う家具や小物に組み込むビジネスを2017年に始めました。★納期は それぞれ約30日。


Koubou TAKE is operating “Memory Business” by incorporating old kimonos into pieces of furniture, costumes, casual dresses and small items in Tokushima Prefecture. With her products, parts of an antique kimono with a lot of memories of your grandmas can appear in furniture that you use every day. Grandma passed away and her kimonos are being kept at the bottom of a closet. What should you do? Keep them forever without using them?  To respond to the question, Koubou TAKE started this business in 2017 to turn sweet memories into things to keep around you.


▲ 鏡面雅(きょうめんみやび)

▲ 着物リメイク衣装

※ 箪笥の形状は、「両開き」type A、「抽斗」type B、「引き違い」type Cがあります。

※ 単品でのご購入、組み合わせもご自由にどうぞご相談ください。

※ サイズ=W :800 D :420 H :450

(上記は見本商品の参考サイズであり 実際のお部屋の間口や奥行に合わせて フルオーダーできます)


「両開き」type A

「抽斗」type B

「引き違い」type C







Tokushima Prefecture “Sugi”

A cryptomeria is the coniferous tree material used most in Japan. The etymology of "cryptomeria" is called "straightness", and a big tree in a shrine has dignity as a sacred tree. The Tokushima cryptomeria is excellent. An ogle is beautiful, warm and soft, the durability. That the fragrance and the feel give pleasure to a person. It's clear by a study.






本藍染工場に入ると、土台を数十センチほど高くしたスペースに染料を貯蔵した16個の甕が並んでいます。それぞれの甕には同じ天然原料が入っていますが、発酵期間が異なるため、色合いはそれぞれ微妙に違います。毎日、染料をかき 混ぜ、藍の「華」を作ります。「華」とは、液体の上部に浮かぶ泡状の色素の固まり。「華」によって、その日の染料の調子を見ます。葉から作られる染料を使うため、藍染は草木染の一種です。原料のすくもを発酵させ、天然藍の色を出す。染料作りは発酵のプロセスであり、それは自然との協働と言えます。

関連記事はこちら >>>




Japan blue = AIZOME(Sukumo)

When I entered Yano’s factory, I saw 16 dye pots being built in a stage-like space. Each pot has a different color of dye, although the ingredients are all the same. The color difference derives from the period of fermentation. The raw ingredients are fermented and this turns them into dye. Mr.Yano churns the dye every day, which produces a “flower” of floating pigmented froth in the center of the dye pot. Craftsmen can tell the condition of the dye by checking this “flower”. As the ingredient, Sukumo, is made of leaves, aizome is a kind of plant dyeing, and thus it is nothing but harmony with nature.


Related articles is here>>>





 (本藍染作家 矢野藍秀 作)









